Set Sales Goals that Maximize Revenue Potential

How to Create Sales Plans that
Maximize Revenue Potential

With a purpose-built tool that merges territory and quota planning, you can approach planning as a science, not an art. Imagine carving out territories and quotas collaboratively, not in siloes, and reconciling top-down and bottom-up planning because you can do both in the same tool. And there goes a major source of friction in your sales planning process. You can see how plan adjustments might play out and adapt your strategy accordingly before you deliver your plans—on time. You can allocate quotas with support from the people to whom they matter most—your sales team and management. This is likely to invigorate your sellers, and suddenly it feels great not to struggle to replace 35% of them every year.

Now that you have more time and freedom to analyze your data, you can uncover new territories or even ditch unsuccessful ones in favor of something new. Gaps and outliers in your planning will be easy to spot, along with untapped opportunities.

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